Life Skills
Life Skills (previoulsy known as Specialized Habilitation) can help individuals create healthy relationships, adapt to challenges, and improve overall quality-of-life.
What is the Life Skills service?
Life Skills offers teaching and training to learn or maintain skills in various areas. Areas are limited to:
safety awareness and self-advocacy
interpersonal skills and effective communication
coping strategies regarding typical life challenges
learning how to manage daily tasks to gain adaptive skills.
Examples of Life Skills:
Building self-esteem and confidence
Developing strengths and weaknesses to handle daily problems
Safely using social media or the internet
Receiving sexual education to promote healthy personal relationships
Learning how to problem-solve situations involving inappropriate peer pressure
Developing other social skills necessary to maximize integration into the community and/or home environment
How to handle missing the bus
Getting used to a new caregiver or medical professional, roommate or other staff
Learning how to use a vending machine or another nontraditional shopping method
Ordering food in a restaurant, online or via phone.